Monday, July 26, 2010

On the Verge...

Do you ever feel like you're on the verge of something new? Or on the verge of some big change? ...but you just don't know what it is, or when it will arrive?

Over the past year, I have found myself in an odd spot (well, if you knew me, you'd understand that these things are out of character for me).  I found myself in a position of slackened discipline, lack of focus and general aloofness (wow, I just used the word ALOOF!).  These characteristics transcended every aspect of my life: my physical well-being, my work and my personal life.  Maybe I'm being too harsh on myself: I have been trying to rediscover who and what I want to be, what I want out of my life and how to get it.

Now, I feel like I am slowly venturing into a space of much more grounded-ness and substantially more determination.  What does this mean for me? Heck, I'm not too sure.  Where is it taking me?  Only karma and the higher powers know for certain - but it definitely feels like I'm on the verge of some big things.  Not too sure what yet, but I'll let you know as I stumble my way through life!

With gratitude,


1 comment:

  1. I totally know what you mean here! The past year of my life has been like this... I was so dedicated last summer - eating healthier, did my yoga teacher training, working out and just generally in a better mood & thinking about the future.... and then, it faded away. Trying very hard to get back on track now, but def still a little behind where I want to be.
    Good luck though, & here's to looking forward & not back!! :)

